We were honoured to welcome our proud alumnus, Phua TK Avertino , back to FAME International College for an inspiring sharing session! Avertino, who completed his Diploma in Business Administration with us, has achieved remarkable success as the co-founder and managing director of NOMS Malaysia in the food and beverage industry. His journey from a passionate student to a successful entrepreneur truly exemplifies the power of dedication and hard work.   Thank you, Avertino, for motivating our juniors with your story and invaluable insights! Your motto – “Start without hesitation. Take that first leap and embrace the experience,” resonates deeply with all of us.   At FAME International College, we are committed to nurturing future entrepreneurs by integrating practical experiences, mentorship programmes, and real-world projects into our curriculum. We believe that hands-on learning and exposure to industry leaders like Avertino are key to developing the entrepreneurial spirit in our students. Read more…

Sharing Session with Joey Tiong

On May 23rd 2024, FAME International College had the pleasure of welcoming Joey Tiong, our accomplished alumni from the Digital Business Programme, for an inspiring sharing session! She has the energy, enthusiasm and innovative ideas that young people like her should have. Joey Tiong shared her incredible experiences interning and working with a leading local media company, offering invaluable insights into the industry. We are immensely proud of her achievements and wish her continued success as she shines in her career!


On May 18th, 2024, FAME International College hosted the exciting FAME Festival 5.0. Organized by the FAME Student Council, the event was a big hit, providing a memorable day for everyone who came. The college was filled with over 35 stalls run by vendors, students, and student clubs. These stalls offered a wide variety of tasty food and refreshing drinks, satisfying everyone’s cravings. People enjoyed delicious snacks, sweets, and cool beverages, making the festival a food lover’s paradise. The atmosphere was lively and perfect for friends and family to enjoy together. There were lots of fun activities and games, ensuring that both kids and adults had a great time. The festival was full of energy and joy, creating a wonderful experience for all attendees. The vendors played a key role in making the festival special. Their hard work and diverse products made the event even more enjoyable. The organizers greatly Read more…

FAME Photography and Videography Workshop

The first-ever Photography and Videography Workshop was held on May 18th, 2024, at Cumbria Class in FAME International College. The event, organized by the FAME Art Club, was a wonderful experience for all attendees. The workshop featured Senior Artist HuaYi as the guest speaker. HuaYi shared in-depth insights on important concepts such as ISO, aperture, shutter speed, macro photography, portraits, and how to use light and brightness. He also covered useful videography techniques. Students gained a lot of knowledge from the session, learning how to improve their photography and videography skills. The workshop was a big hit, and everyone left with new tips and tricks to try out. Overall, the Photography and Videography Workshop was a great success, thanks to the FAME Art Club and Senior Artist HuaYi. It was an informative and enjoyable event for all who attended, and we look forward to more workshops in the future.


The event “Spreading Love Through Essentials” was recently held by the Leo Club of FAME International College in partnership with Hope Place, Kuching. This donation event aimed to provide much-needed essentials to those in need. During the event, students and volunteers came together to distribute items such as rice, biscuits, noodles, and more to families and individuals who required support. It was a heartwarming sight to see the community come together for such a noble cause. The students of FAME International College made everyone proud by extending a helping hand, spreading hope, and making a real difference in the lives of many. This event showcased the power of kindness and the impact that collective effort can have on the community. Overall, “Spreading Love Through Essentials” was a successful and inspiring event, highlighting the generosity and compassion of the students and their commitment to helping others.

Get Your Lucky Ang Pao

Have you claimed your ang pao from us? FAME International College is excited to celebrate the Chinese New Year with joy and prosperity, presenting a special RM888 Ang Pao Rebate just for you! Embrace the festive spirit by availing fantastic discounts on your educational journey. Make the most of this auspicious rebate by enrolling in any full-time course available during our March and April 2024 intake. At FAME International College, grasp this excellent opportunity to invest in your future! Secure your spot and ensure a highly rewarding Chinese New Year. For additional details about this offer, feel free to reach out to us now. Join in the festivities with FAME and set off on a journey towards a brighter future Terms & Conditions Apply Live chat: Facebook Messenger: 中文咨询课程: English consultation:

Launch Your Path to Success with FAME International College

Are you dreaming of a UK degree but worried about the high costs and limited options? Look no further than FAME International College, where we offer a range of UK franchised programmes that can be completed in Malaysia! To kickstart your journey, we are currently accepting applications for the August 2023 (for homegrown programmes) and September intakes(for degree programmes). This is a golden opportunity to secure your spot and embark on a transformative educational experience. At FAME International College, we understand the financial challenges students face when pursuing higher education. That’s why we encourage you to act fast if you wish to apply for PTPTN loan. The deadline is quickly approaching, and this is your chance to seize the opportunity to study without worrying about financial constraints. Our homegrown programmes provide the perfect blend of affordability and quality education. Rest assured that you don’t have to compromise on prestige or Read more…

FAME国际学院的商学证书课程(Certificate in Business Studies),电子商务文凭课程 (Diploma in Digital Business), 会计与金融文凭课程 (Diploma in Accounting & Finance)  不一样的人生从这开始!

商学证书课程Certificate in Business Studies “怎么办?我的SPM/统考考获一个学分 (Credit) 可以继续升学吗?”答案是:“当然可以!” 什么是商学证书课程? 商学证书课程 (Certificate in Business) 是专门为SPM考获1个“C”以及UEC 统考考获1个 “B” 的学生而设立的,并且该课程的文凭获得马来西亚学术鉴定局 (MQA) 的全面认证。这项课程能帮助学生奠定有关商学方面的基础。该课程预备学生在完成一年半的课程后可以继续就读本院的文凭课程以就读更高的学位。在商学证书课程获得优越成绩的学生们可以申请奖学金升学以就读文凭课程 (Diploma) 。 商学证书课程为期多久?需要准备多少费用? 在FAME学院就读商学证书课程需要花费大约一年半的时间,其中包括每个月需要支付大约RM500的学费。 从商学证书课程毕业之后,我可以去哪里? 学生可选择继续在本学院或其他学院就读文凭课程 ,并且可以豁免部分科目。豁免部分科目之后,学生就读文凭课程的时常就可以减少至两年。 学生可选择出国继续进修及深造。 电子商务文凭课程 (Diploma in Digital Business) “听说电子商务是最近的趋势?会不会很难读?”答案是:“没错,电子商务的相关课程是当代最具吸引力的课程之一。只要对该课程有兴趣,这绝对是最适合你的课程。” 什么是电子商务文凭课程? 随着越来越多的公司使用不同的商业模式和创造不一样的客户体验,电子商务在我们的日常生活中发挥着非常重要的作用。电子商务是二十一世纪最有代表性的一种低成本、高效率的全新商业形式。此课程专注于以互联网为核心平台,以电子商务为中心,以市场需求和认知为导向,利用各种网络应用市场策略去实现企业营销目的一系列行为。此外,该课程的文凭获得马来西亚学术鉴定局 (MQA) 的全面认证。 专业认证 – 面子书数字营销助理课程(Facebook/Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate Programme) 电子商务文凭课程的学生将免费获得面子书数字营销助理课程,该课程共包括了五个项目。成功完成其考试的学生就可以获得面子书所颁发的证书以及数字认证徽章。数字徽章确认一个人是面子书认证的专业人士,并在数字营销行业中脱颖而出。徽章将包括候选人的认证信息,也可以在线验证。 电子商务文凭课程为期多久? 在FAME学院就读电子商务文凭课程需要花费大约两年半的时间,其中包括三个月以上的实习期。 从电子商务文凭课程毕业之后,我可以去哪里? 学生可选择继续在本学院或其他学院就读学士学位课程,并且可以豁免部分科目。豁免部分科目之后,学生就读学士学位课程的时长就可以减少至两年。 学生可选择出国继续进修及深造。 会计与金融文凭课程 (Diploma in Accounting & Finance)   “我想要成为一名会计师。。。这可以实现吗?”答案是:“当然可以!” 什么是会计与金融文凭课程? 会计与金融文凭课程为那些计划于会计与金融领域中服务的人量身定制。此课程为学生们提供了更广阔的事业及升学选项。此广泛基础的培训,旨在于培养人们的信心,以及得以掌握在会计与金融部门所需的技术和软性技能。此课程更是受到马来西亚学术资格鉴定机构 (MQA) 的全面认证。修读此课程的学生将有资格修读特许公认会计师公会(ACCA)课程。 会计与金融文凭课程为期多久?现在报名有没有优惠? 在FAME学院就读商学证书课程需要花费大约两年半的时间。现在报名的学生可享有RM3, 800 的折扣。 从会计与金融文凭课程毕业之后,我可以去哪里? 学生可选择继续在本学院或其他学院就读学士学位课程,并且可以豁免部分科目。豁免部分科目之后,学生就读学士学位课程的时长就可以减少至两年。 学生可选择就读特许公认会计师公会 (ACCA) 课程,并能豁免三张试卷。 学生可选择出国继续进修及深造。 专业认证- 特许公认会计师公会 当ACCA批准及认可学生的学习成绩,学生将会得到科目豁免,及确保学生具有同等水平知识,让学生能通过ACCA考试。ACCA 已经全面评估及认证此学院的会计与金融文凭课程 。豁免的科目包括商业和技术 (Business and Technology), 管理会计 (Management Accounting) 及财务会计 (Financial Accounting). 拥有MQA认证的好处是什么? FAME国际学院所有课程都通过教育部及马来西亚学术鉴定局认证与鉴证,课程质量也受到保证与肯定。 可以向公共服务局申请成为公务员。 成为专业人士的必备条件。 选择进修或继续就读其他课程的条件之一。 可以申请国家高等教育基金局 (PTPTN) 或其他奖学金和贷学金。  关于FAME国际学院 FAME国际学院是1998年所设立的学院。该学院至今已创办了25周年,并培养了许多优秀的毕业生。凡是对FAME的课程感兴趣的学生可以联系本学院的专业辅导员,以为您提供更详细的服务和咨询。 盛名国际学院 Brighton Square, Ground Floor & First Floor, SL32-37, L7691, Jalan Song, 93350, Kuching Sarawak. 电话号码:+6 082 285 522 邮箱地址 Live chat: FB messenger: 中文咨询课程: English consultation:  

FAME International College Graduation Ceremony cum 25th Anniversary Celebration Announcement

Dear Graduates, We are delighted to announce that the moment you’ve been eagerly awaiting is finally here! The FAME International College Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2023 is set to take place on 22 October 2023, 2pm at The Borneo Convention Center Kuching. This year’s graduation ceremony will be a remarkable celebration of your hard work, dedication, and achievements throughout your academic journey. We couldn’t be prouder of each and every one of you for reaching this significant milestone. Event Details: Date: 22 October 2023, Sunday Time: 2pm-5pm (Graduation Ceremony) follow by 6.30pm-9.30pm (Anniversary Dinner) Venue: The Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) Dress Code: Black Tie We invite all graduates, their families, friends, faculty, and staff to join us on this joyous occasion. Your presence will make this event even more memorable as we applaud the remarkable accomplishments of our graduates. Congratulations once again, Class of 2023! We can’t Read more…

FAME Alumni Sharing Session (Professional Accountant)

A FAME Alumni Sharing Session on Educational and Career Pathway for Professional Accountant was held on 10 June 2023 attended by students from Diploma in Accounting and Finance and Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Business, Accounting and Finance. We are glad to have Mr Phang Kip Fatt, the Alumni of Diploma in Accounting and Finance and ACCA Qualification to share his experience. Mr Phang Kip Fatt is a Chartered Accountant in Malaysia registered with Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and is an ACCA member. Currently, he is the Audit Senior 2 with Deloitte Kuching Office. This sharing session has greatly benefited the students and we are looking forward for more sharing session from FAME Alumni. #FAMEtastics #Accounting #ACCA #ACCAAccelerate